What Is Spiritual Fasting?
Spiritual fasting is a way of crucifying, or denying the flesh the basic need for food. While fasting, you will weaken your
body, but it will strengthen your spirit man.
It is also important to know that you should take the time to seek and listen to the Holy Spirit while fasting. Spiritual fasting is a way of disciplining your flesh, humbling yourself before God.
Fasting is a rather important part of your christian walk, just like studying the bible and prayers. If you desire to have a closer and more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, fasting is for you.

Different Types Of Spiritual Fasting
Biblical Fasting - What The Bible Says About Fasting
Fasting has been carried out in all nations and ages, especially in times of sorrow, mournings and afflictions. Let us look at some examples of biblical fasting.
Christian Fasting - Drawing Near To The Holy Spirit
A Christian fasting is for crucifying your flesh to deny the body of food. When you are willing to fast, your flesh weakens while your spirit strengthens, and you will grow closer to the Holy Spirit.
What Is A Daniel Fast? What is it for?
Daniel's fast is a partial fast which consists only of vegetables, fruits and water. Daniel fast is a way of denying the body for meat, coffee and other food stuff that the body craves, without total abstaining from food.
Daniel Fast Recipes - Simple Recipe You Can Easily Make
Free Daniel Fast recipes and menus. As a guideline, to prepare a meal during a daniel fast, you can choose any combinations from whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, fruit juice, seeds and water.
Contribute Recipes for Daniel Fast.
Share and contribute recipes for Daniel Fast. I am starting a collection of Daniel Fast menus, testimonials and revelations to share with fellow fasting warriors. Your contribution is greatly admired!
Top 77 Healthy Daniel's Fast Recipes
Discover Step-By-Step, Astonishingly ‘Simple’ Recipes And Methods to Quickly & Easily Turn Ordinary Fruits And Vegetables Into Delicious & Healthy Daniel Fast Dishes That You and Your Family Love!
What Is The Origin Of The 21 Day Daniel Fast?
It was recorded in the Bible that Daniel humbled himself and mourned for 3 weeks. At that time he ate no meat, no wine, or any pleasant bread and spent much time in prayers. Hence it is known as 21 Day Daniel Fast.
40 Day Fasting - Are You Ready For It?
In the Bible, it was recorded that Moses and Jesus had a 40 day fast. 40 day fasting is not for people who are inexperienced
with fasting. Know yourself, plan your diet, most importantly, pray.
Benefits Of Fasting - Spiritual And Physical
There are many benefits of fasting, whether it is spiritual or physical. More importantly as christians, spiritual fasting humbles ourselves, strengthens our spirit man and draws us nearer to the Holy Spirit.
Fruit And Vegetable Fast - Healthy Spiritual Fasting
If you want to do an extended spiritual fasting, but your body is unable to totally go without food for such a long time, you
can consider a fruit and vegetable fast, where you eat only fruits and vegetables.
Juice Fasting - An alternative method of spiritual fasting
Normally for extended spiritual fasting periods, you can choose to do juice fasting, not only for spiritual reasons, but for a better health at the same time.
The Miracle Of Juice Fasting - Health benefits
Aside from spiritual benefits, there are many health perks to juice fasting such as detoxification of your body. Learn more about the miracle of juice fasting here.
Juice Fasting Recipes - Simple Juice Recipes
Juice making is very simple. All you need is cutter, mixer and the ingredients. Here is a list of juice making recipes for juice fasting. Combine fruits and vegetables for the best of both worlds.
3 Day Juice Fast - For Health And Spiritual Breakthrough
If you are new to fasting, you can start with a 3 day juice fast, where you will only consume vegetable and fruit juice. It is not as easy as it seems!
21 Day Juice Fast - Alternative to 21 day daniel fast
When you feel that you have the capacity to do an extended spiritual fast, you can consider a 21 day juice fast. This is a 3week fasting similar to Daniels fast.
Water Fast - Fight The Devil And Grow Close To The Holy Spirit
Jesus went without food for 40 days in the wilderness. Water fasting is going without food, but not restricted to consumption of water.
3 Day Water Fast For Spiritual Breakthrough
Do you need a financial, family, relational or spiritual breakthrough? Humble yourself, crucify your flesh and seek the Holy Spirit in a 3 day water fast.
Books On Fasting - Great Study Material
Here are my recommendations regarding books on fasting from famous authors walking close to the Holy Spirit. You will certainly be blessed with their insights and revelations about fasting.
Related Articles To Christian Fasting
Persistent Prayer
When you are fasting, give yourself to prayers. A persistent prayer, combined with fasting is a very powerful way to receive your breakthrough.
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