The Names Of The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit has many names mentioned in the Bible. We need to know the different names of the Holy Spirit as they help us to understand who the Holy Spirit really is and what He can do in our lives.
They carry a wealth of important information and meaning for every Christian. I encourage you to get to know Him better as each of these names reveals more about Himself, a God who loves you and will be with you wherever you are, whenever you need Him.

Names Of The Holy Spirit That Relate To The Father
In the scriptures we can see at least 16 names for the Holy Spirit that defines His relationship with the Father and Son. 11 of them relates directly to the Father.
Though there is some difference in meaning in the various names, the main objective is to illustrate the relationship of the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Holy Trinity, confirming His deity and procession.
Let us get to know the Holy Spirit better by looking at each of the names of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit Of God
The Spirit Of God is the first name of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Bible. Here, His name is associated with the power of creation, prophecy and guidance.
The Spirit Of The Lord
The Holy Spirit is much more than a representative of God. He is the Spirit of Yahweh we worship, the Spirit of the "I AM," the Spirit of the lord of heaven and earth.
The Spirit Of The Living God
The Bible associates the Spirit of the Living God with the work of the Holy Spirit in making His Word come alive in us, by writing them in fleshly tables of the heart.
My Spirit
When God the father is spkeaing about the Holy Spirit, He says it in a very personal way. He calls Him as "My Spirit," clearly showing the mysteries of the trinity and confiming that the Holy Spirit is an important part of the Godhead.
Names Of The Holy Spirit That Relate To Jesus Christ The Son
We know that Jesus is the son of God. We also know that the Godhead, or Trinity, comprises of the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. As I share with you the many names of the Holy Spirit, I want to help you understand more about this wonderful Spirit who lives in us.
As you have already read about the Holy Spirit's relationship to God the Father, let us now look at the way the Holy Spirit relates to Jesus the Son.
The Spirit Of Christ
One of the names of the The Holy Spirit, His work as the Spirit of Jesus Christ is to lift up our Lord Jesus Christ, and to reveal and testify Jesus to us.
The Spirit Of Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit brings the joy of Jesus to us. The Spirit of Jesus Christ abides in us and is the One who truely brings the joy that Jesus wanted every believer to have.
The Spirit Of His Son
You are no longer just servants of God, but you are His son! When the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts, He will reveal God the father as a loving daddy, where we can cry out "Abba, Father."
Names Of The Holy Spirit That Relate To His Work In Our Lives
Till here, you have seen the many names of the Holy Spirit, showing you how He works in relation to God the Father and Jesus the Son. I hope you have a better understanding of the way the Trinity funcions.
However, there is one thing that I feel is the most important, that is our dear Holy Spirit yearns for a loving relationship with us that is eternal and more precious than anything else.
The Spirit Of Adoption
When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, something wonderful happens. We are adopted into God's family. We are then given power to reign in life as the children of God.
The Spirit Of Glory
The Spirit Of Glory gives us the faith and courage to stand up to persecution, trials and tribulations. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength to endure through till we habve our victory!
The Spirit Of Grace
One of the names of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Grace talks about the grace of God. Everything that God gives to us is not because we deserve them, but rather because of His grace and goodness.
The Spirit Of Grace And Supplications
The Holy Spirit loves us so much that He wants us to experience His grace. No matter how we have failed or what we have done, He will always help us to approach the Father to find the abundance of mercy and forgiveness.
Names Of The Holy Spirit That Isaiah Gave In Chapter 11
In Isaiah 11, the prophet prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, Jesus. He also gives three names of the Holy Spirit involved in the work of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
The Spirit Of Wisdom And Understanding
One of the names of The Holy Spirit, The Spirit Of Wisdom And Understanding gives us the wisdom and ability to apply the knowledge of God's Word in our life. He helps us make the correct decisions so that we can lead a happy and successful life.
The Spirit Of Counsel And Might
The Holy Spirit delights to counsel us. Not only is He able, He also wants to help you, really. The Holy Spirit guides our paths, and gives us the strength and energy to carry out our life purpose!
The Spirit Of Knowledge And Of The Fear Of The Lord
Of the many names of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord gives us the knowledge of God's creation and purposes. And also a greater understanding of God and a deeper respect for Him.
Names Of The Holy Spirit In The New Testament
The Spirit Of Life
It is the will and purpose of Jesus that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. And it is our precious Holy Spirit who gives us eternal life and the abundant life on Earth we should be enjoying right now!
The Spirit Of Truth
Another one of the great names of the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit reveals the truth about God, the kingdom of heaven and the world we live in.
The Comforter
While Jesus was walking on Earth, He promised to send us a comforter. This comforter is the Holy Spirit. He calms our fears and stills our troubled hearts.
The Eternal Spirit
One of the names of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity. He was here before Adam was, before the universe we see now was created, before time even began.
The Spirit
The Bible gives us many wonderful names of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes the most simple name is the most profound. In the scriptures, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as "the Spirit."
12 Apostles Names
Just for additional information, here are the names of the 12 Apostles who followed Jesus. The Scriptures lists them in 4 books, the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke and Acts.
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