The Baptism In The Holy Spirit
Dear friends and fellow brethen in Christ, the
baptism in the Holy Spirit, besides salvation, is the most wonderful gift in the whole of universe.
Jesus died on the cross for us, so that the Holy Spirit can be poured down on us.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just a religious ceremony or ritual. It is a sacred, supernatural and wonderful experience.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
As a Christian, receiving Jesus as my Lord and Saviour is not the end. There is an experience following your salvation, that is to be filled with the Spirit of God through the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
The Promise Of The Holy Spirit And Its Fulfillment
This amazing Promise from our faithful God is for you! It is God's desire for you to receive the Holy Spirit and live in His power. Will you open up your heart and receive Him?
The Holy Spirit - The Infinite Source Of Power And Wisdom
You Are The Head And Not The Tail. Every Christian who is being filled with the Holy Spirit has within him all the power he ever needs to be winners and overcomers in life!
The Evidence And Manifestations Of The Holy Spirit's Indwelling
The Holy Spirit does not creep into your body like a thief in the night. He comes with physical and outward evidences of a spiritual and supernatural experience.
Why Tongues? Is It Necessary To Speak In Tongues?
It grieves the Holy Spirit to know that so many christians have been robbed of the blessings God has reserved for them by believing that the gift of tongues is only for some people, or worse, that it has ceased.
What Is The Purpose Of Speaking In Tongues?
To be speak in tongues is a supernatural way of building up our spirit man through direct communication with God. When speaking in tongues, the Holy Spirit takes over and prays for us.
Does The Bible Tells Us To Tarry For The Holy Spirit? (Part 1)
The bible never mentions about people having to tarry for the Holy Spirit. After the day of pentecost, where the Holy Spirit is first poured upon everyone in the upper room.
Does The Bible Tells Us To Tarry For The Holy Spirit? (Part 2)
As a Christian in the new testament, you do not have to tarry for the Holy Spirit. You immediately receive the Holy Spirit after your baptism in the Holy Spirit.
10 Reasons Why Every Christian Should Be Speaking In Tongues (Part 1)
After your baptism in the Holy Spirit, you will receive the gift of tongues. Speaking in tongues edifies your spirit man and energizes your Christian faith towards God.
10 Reasons Why Every Christian Should Be Speaking In Tongues (Part 2)
To be a fruitful Christian that is led by the Holy Spirit, you have to allow Him to be Lord over your flesh. By speaking in tongues, you are yielding your flesh to the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit That Lives Inside Of You
The reason why Jesus suffered and died on the cross was so that the Holy Spirit can come and live inside of you. As a Christian, there is no need to be leading a defeated life.
7 Steps To Receiving The Holy Spirit (Part 1)
Not many days after Jesus was resurrected, God has already sent the Holy Spirit and offered Him as a gift for you. As a Christian, all you need to do now is to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
7 Steps To Receiving The Holy Spirit (Part 2)
If you will act on God's Word, to enter into the baptism of the Holy Spirit, He will also honour His Word, and you will receive the gift of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. A gift more precious than diamonds and gold.
Related Articles on The Baptism in The Holy Spirit
Are You Living A Life in The Spirit?
Receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and learn how to enjoy a life in the Spirit, fueled with passion by the Holy Spirit.
Have You Received The Holy Spirit Yet?
Only by receiving the Holy Spirit, can you enjoy a genuine, deeper and greater relationship with God.
Power Of The Holy Spirit
Jesus makes it clear the ultimate purpose of the empowering of the Holy Spirit, so that you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the Great Commission.
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