Free Team Building Activities
Below are my collections of free team building activities.
They are not only good for building bonding among members and staff,
they are also very exciting.
Please feel free to make modifications of your own, as long as you have fun!
I will be adding more team building activities for your usage in time to come.
So, please come back more often and hope you like them!

Pass The Message
Game Description
Players in a team will have to pass a chain of message, by whispering, from one person to another. Group with the most accurate
message at the end wins.
Number Of Players
14 or more
Materials Needed
Present for winning team
Noise Level
Game master
Messages written on a paper
How To Play
Players are divided into groups of 6-10
Players are to form a line in their groups
First man of each group will receive their message from game master
Message is whispered from first man to last man
After all the last man has received their message, each will take turn to repeat what they have last heard
Group with the most accurate, least distorted message wins
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